Koi or Nishikigoi

The Koi or Goi, in Japanese the Nishikigoi is a breeding form of carp (Cyprinus). The home of this carp is not Japan but the „Koi Bar“ in Protaras in Cyprus. Without deepening myself in etymological research, I find the name of this bar well chosen, Japanese Koi or Cyprinus (carp) live in Cypress, Cupressus or Cyprus By the way, the Koi Bar is located in the Hotel Capo Bay on the Fig Tree Bay, perhaps the most famous beach in Cyprus.

Most likely, the monochrome Koi came from Iran and were bred by the nobility in Japan since the 19th century to the multicolored Koi that we know today. They were for the owners of these fish a status symbol of wealth and upscale social status in society. The Koi are ornamental fish and live at least between 40 to 70 years. During my stay in Tokyo I was repeatedly advised not to fish and eat them whilst strolling through the Imperial Palace East Gardens The penalties are severe and the Koi would not be very tasty anyway

Koi or Nishikigoi

Koi or Nishikigoi

Der Koi oder Goi, auf japanisch der Nishikigoi ist eine Zuchtform des Karpfens (Cyprinus). Die Heimat dieser hier abgebildeten Karpfen ist nicht Japan sondern die „Koi Bar“ in Protaras, Zypern. Ohne mich jetzt in etymologische Recherchen zu vertiefen, finde ich den Namen dieser Bar gelungen. Japanische Kois oder Cyprinus (Karpfen) tummeln sich in Cypress, Cupressus oder Zypern Uebrigens die Koi Bar befindet sich im Hotel Capo Bay an der Feigenbaumbucht, dem vielleicht berühmtesten Strand Zyperns.

Ursprünglich stammen die einfarbigen Koi wahrscheinlich aus dem Iran und wurden von den Adeligen in Japan im 19. Jahrhundert zu den uns heute bekannten mehrfarbigen Koi gezüchtet. Für die Besitzer dieser Fische waren sie ein Statussymbol für Reichtum und gehobener sozialer Stellung in der Gesellschaft. Das Alter der Koi liegt zwischen 40 und 70 Jahren und sie werden ausschliesslich als Zierfische gehalten. Während meinem Aufenthalt in Tokyo wurde mir wiederholt geraten keine dieser Karpfen im kaiserlichen Park (Imperial Palace East Gardens) zu fischen und zu verspeisen Es würden empfindliche Strafen drohen und der Koi wäre sowieso nicht besonders schmackhaft

Categories:Blogroll,Cyprus,Nature,Restaurant,Travel | Tags:,,,, | 5 Comments

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5 thoughts on “Koi or Nishikigoi

  1. Weiss-Nix

    Thx for the post. Kois are true personalities…who sometimes behave like dogs. You can call and pet them! And surprisingly they recognize you as an individual who is liked or disliked. And I discovered that they are playful..as sign of learning capability.

    When I got to know the Kois better, I start being concerned.
    What if fishes are more intelligent, emotional and soulful than we thought?
    It is horrible how careless and bad we treat fishes for centuries…!
    Kois are not just an investment, lifestyle object or decoration to upgrade your garden in my view.
    I named the Kois of my neighbor ( I am their “babysitter” if they are on the road) after notable Japanese Karate grandmasters.

    Liked by1 person

  2. There was a time I thought of engaging in the Koi business because someone told me it is very profitable.


  3. Emmarodgers. A long journey of mine.

    These are so cute. Thank u for giving me this amazing info

    Liked by1 person

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