
Roland and Rosinante on the Camino

Roland, a modern Don Quijote and Pilgrim from Hungary and his donkey Rosinante are an inseparable couple (aka Rolandante) living and walking on the Camino. Last year, on my way to Santiago de Compostela, there was this donkey in the middle of nowhere, tied up next to the Camino trail, it was Rosinante! I assume that the pilgrim Roland was still sleeping in his blue tent under an old eucalyptus tree which was only a few footsteps away.

However, Rosinante was awake and already active, she had her own pilgrim stamp or (sello). If you want to receive your Compostela, the religious document that certifies your pilgrimage, you need to show to the Pilgrims Office in Santiago de Compostela a Credencial full of sellos! The Credencial is a sort of Pilgrimage Passport in which you collect stamps as you walk the Camino. Such stamps can be obtained in churches, hostels and hotels, restaurants, bars and also from the donkey Rosinante This is a nice keepsake, but it’s also a necessary document to carry. The very first thing you will have to do upon checking in to any hostel is present your actual Identification Card and your Credencial to verify that you are walking the Camino. It is not only required for your accommodation, the document is also required as a proof in Restaurants to get the inexpensive three course pilgrimage menu with a bottle of wine Buen Camino!

Roland, ein moderner Don Quijote und Pilger aus Ungarn und sein Esel Rosinante sind ein untrennbares Paar (auch bekannt als Rolandante) auf ihrer langjährigen Pilgerreise. Letztes Jahr, auf meinem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela, stand da ein Esel mitten im Nirgendwo neben dem Camino Trail, es war Rosinante! Den Pilger Roland habe ich nicht angetroffen, wahrscheinlich war er noch in seinem blauen Zelt unter einem alten Eukalyptusbaum nur einige Schritte von Rosinante entfernt am schlafen.

Rosinante war aber schon wach und bereits aktiv, sie hatte vor sich auf einem kleinen Tischlein ihren eigenen Pilgerstempel oder (sello). Wenn Du den Compostela erhalten möchtest, das ist das religiöse Zertifikat welches deine Pilgerreise bestätigt, musst Du dem Pilgeramt in Santiago de Compostela ein Dokument voller „sellos“ zeigen! Das Dokument ist eine Art Pilgerpass, in dem Du auf deinem Camino die Stempel sammelst. Solche Stempel sind in Kirchen, Pilgerherbergen und Hotels, Restaurants, Bars und auch beim Esel Rosinante erhältlich Die vielen Stempel sind ein schönes Andenken, aber auch ein notwendiges Dokument. Das allererste was Du beim Einchecken in eine Herberge tun musst, ist deinen Personalausweis und den Pilgerpass vorlegen um zu beweisen, dass Du auch tatsächlich den Camino gehst. Dieses Dokument ist nicht nur auf der Suche nach einer Unterkunft erforderlich, der Pilgerpass wird auch als Nachweis in Restaurants benötigt um das preisgünstige dreigängige Pilgermenü mit einer Flasche Wein zu erhalten Buen Camino!

Categories:Blogroll,Jakobsweg,Spain,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,, | Leave a comment

Via Postumia in Northern Italy

The Via Postumia was a road in Northern Italy that was built by the Romans around 150 BC; it led from Aquileia, through the Po valley over the Apennines to the city of Genoa. Today, this historic route largely forms the centerpiece of the new Italian pilgrimage route, the Via Postumia, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The Via Postumia is 930 km long and leads from Aquileia to Genoa and crosses the entire north of Italy from east to west, i.e. through the Regions Friuli-Giulia Venezia, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Liguria.

What didn’t exist until now, was an arrow-marked pilgrim route that crosses Italy from east to west and continues from Genoa to Menton in France along the Ligurian coast. The idea to develop such a route emerged at the World Meeting of the Associations of Friends of the St. James Way in Krakow in September 2013, on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the body of St. James. Shortly after his return from this World Meeting in Poland, Andrea Vitiello began this task and decided to trace and re-enact the paths of medieval pilgrims from the East through Italy using advice and opinions from historians, other experts and friends.

安德里亚的巨大的任务是创造一个路线that fit into the map and the network of all the St. James Ways in Europe. Another objective of his project is to promote and support the local businesses along the newly created Via Postumia pilgrimage route.

The result of this great initiative is commendable. The Way of St. James through Italy was formally restored. I am convinced that pilgrims who choose this route through Italy on their way to Santiago de Compostela will be delighted in every way! The Via Postumia crosses the wonderful landscapes of northern Italy on quiet and signposted paths, past nine UNESCO heritage sites and through some of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I am already looking forward to this historic, culinary and spiritual pilgrimage through Italy.

Further and detailed information such as maps, directions, hotels and hostels, etc. can be found under the following link:

Via Postumia

The Via Postumia in Northern Italy

Die Via Postumia war eine um das Jahr 150 v. Chr. gebaute Römerstrasse in Italien, die von Aquileia, durch die Poebene über die Apenninen bis nach Genua führte. Dieser historische Weg bildet heute weitestgehend das Kernstück des Italienischen Pilgerwegs, die Via Postumia, nach Santiago de Compostela in Galizien, Spanien.

Dieser Weg, die Via Postumia, ist eine etwa 930 km lange Route die von Aquileia nach Genua führt und den gesamten Norden Italiens von Osten nach Westen durchquert, also Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Lombardei, Emilia Romagna, Piemont und Ligurien.

是es bis现在不多嘴,战争一张麻省理工学院Pfeilen markierte Pilger Route die Italien von Osten nach Westen durchquert und von Genua weiter nach Menton in Frankreich entlang der ligurischen Küste führt. Die Idee einen solchen Weg zu entwickeln entstand am Welttreffen der Jakobsvereine im September 2013 in Krakau, anlässlich des 1200-jährigen Jubiläums der Wiederentdeckung des Leichnams des Heiligen Jacobus. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr von diesem Weltmeeting in Polen begann Andrea Vitiello mit dieser Aufgabe und beschloss anhand von Ratschlägen und Meinungen von Historikern, anderen Experten und Freunden die Wege mittelalterlicher Pilger aus dem Osten durch Italien zurückzuverfolgen und nachzubilden.

Die gigantische Aufgabe von Andrea bestand darin, eine Route zu erstellen, die in die Karte und das Netzwerk aller Jakobswege von Europa passte. Ein weiteres Ziel seines Projekts ist die Förderung und Unterstützung der lokalen Unternehmen entlang der neu geschaffenen Pilgerroute Via Postumia.

Das Ergebnis dieser großartigen Initiative ist lobenswert. Der Jakobsweg durch Italien wurde formal wieder hergestellt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Pilger, die diese Route durch Italien auf ihrem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela wählen, in jeder Hinsicht begeistert sein werden! Die Via Postumia durchquert die wundervollen Landschaften Norditaliens auf ruhigen und beschilderten Wegen, vorbei an neun UNESCO-Kulturstätten und durch einige der schönsten Städte Italiens. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf diesen historischen, kulinarischen und spirituellen Pilgerweg durch Italien.

Weitere und detaillierte Informationen wie Karten, Wegbeschreibungen, Hotels und Herbergen, etc. findest Du unter folgendem Link:

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Jakobsweg,Landmark,Nature,Pilgrimage,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,, | 3 Comments

Tips for three Great RV-Trips

RVing (RV stands for Recreational Vehicle) is an extremely popular way to get out and experience the world for retirees across the globe. From the occasional trip to full time living, RVs provide a simple, comfortable and affordable way to travel year-round. Here are 3 great RV trips to take in retirement. These can be done as standalone trips, or easily incorporated into your full-time travels.

For more information about RV rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Pacific Northwest, United States of America

这是一个很好的夏季旅行为退休人员。While it is a common perception that this area has perpetual rain, there are great areas here to visit that buck that understanding. Located on the northern coast of the Olympic Peninsula, towns like Port Angeles, Sequim and Port Townsend are located in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains. Sequim, which is located in the center of that rain shadow, receives only 14 inches of rain per year. The vast majority of that rain falls between October and April. The weather in peak season between June and September is absolutely delightful. It is sunny with low humidity and temps in the 70’s to low 80’s (21 – 26 centigrade). This is one reason Sequim has been ranked as one of the best small towns in the pacific northwest to live. It is also a very popular destination for west coast residents to move to for retirement.

The towns here are quaint seaside towns, particularly Sequim and Port Townsend. The surrounding area is absolutely beautiful, with the Olympic National Park just to the southwest. Port Townsend has a great walkable downtown area with nice restaurants and a first-rate farmer market every weekend. The nearby Fort Worden State Park is a former military installation where many of the buildings have been converted to art facilities. This is a great place to learn art from traditional painting to advanced woodworking.

The area is also a gateway to Seattle, the San Juan Islands and Victoria, BC, which is a short ferry ride from Port Angeles. This area makes a great standalone trip. A visit here can be months long without running out of things to do.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

MediterranenCoast, Spain and other European Countries

The Mediterranean Coast if Spain is a great location for an overseas retiree RV trip. Spain is often listed as one of the best places for US residents to retire on a budget. It has excellent culture, is generally friendly to foreigners, and sports a relatively low cost of living. The EU also has very streamlined travel regulations between nations, so it makes a great base camp to venture out and explore other EU member states and Switzerland.

RVing in Europe is typically done in smaller campervans than those you may be used to in the US. These RVs are designed to navigate the smaller roads in Europe and provide only the basic services you really need to live. A place to cook, a place to sleep and maybe a bathroom, although those are less common. The lack of RV amenities are made up for by the lifestyle in the area. The RV is truly just a place to sleep, the surrounding cities, towns and beaches will provide all amenities, activities and entertainment you could possibly ask for.

巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚、阿利坎特和马拉加都是excellent destinations. Each could be a standalone destination, or a coastal trip covering all of them is certainly possible. Peak season is in the spring and summer, but the weather is mild year-round so off-season trips can still be great while avoiding the crowds.

To plan a trip like this consider using a private owner RV rental service. These services will connect you to a great rental RV that can be picked up on location in Spain.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Desert Southwest, United States of America

The southern US is a great retirement RV destination. The weather is fantastic year-round so you can plan your trip at any time. While the southern US as a whole is a great retirement RV destination, the desert southwest stands out for a number of reasons. First, it has great weather. Not only is it generally warm, but also generally very dry. The lack of humidity does three things. First, it makes the warmer temps feel more pleasant. Second, when the sun goes down the temps tend to cool faster, making sleeping more pleasant. Finally, drier air is easier to breath and can be beneficial for a number of health conditions common in the retired community.

The desert southwest is also less crowded then places like Florida during the snowbird season and the cost of living is generally lower. There are other places in the south that are also less crowded then Florida, like Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. These are all great areas in their own right, but the desert southwest gets the edge for its better weather and greater prevalence of free or cheap camping opportunities.

From Palm Springs, CA east to New Mexico there is a great mix of cities and towns with a broad range of cultural and entertainment facilities. These areas are surrounded by camping facilities ranging from vast free boondocking areas to massive high-end resorts. The diversity here will allow any retiree to live exactly as they desire.

RVing during retirement is a great way to get out and see the world. Here we have looked at three great RV trips for retirees. These trips demonstrate the options retirees have for RVing regardless of location or time of year. A great trip is taking a great destination and get the most out of it for yourself and any of these locations will allow you to do that.

For more information about RV-Rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Categories:Adventure,Blogroll,Camper,Spain,Switzerland,Travel,Trekking,United States of America | Tags: | 9 Comments


Do you know the volcanic island of Stromboli in the Tyrrhenian Sea? If not, I can recommend this island for a shorter or longer stay! Stromboli belongs with its neighboring islands Lipari, Salina, Panarea, Vulcano, Filicudi and Alicudi to the archipelago of the Aeolian Islands. Stromboli is regularly reached by hydrofoil from the Sicilian port of Milazzo or by ferry from Naples. The island became famous in the 1950s with the melodramatic film “Stromboli” by Roberto Rossellini with Hollywood star Ingrid Bergman, who stayed on the island for some time. Their former residence is today a tourist attraction, the house is decorated with a plaque and is located at the exit of the village near the church.

The main attraction of the island is undoubtedly the active volcano Stromboli, which erupts two or three times an hour! Particularly impressive are the eruptions at night! Day tourists climb the volcano and approach the mouth of the crater at a safe distance to shoot unforgettable photos of the exploding volcano. Of course, such ascents are only allowed with authorized mountain guides! My guide was a “retired” dog of a former mountain guide, unfortunately I forgot the name of my four-legged friend.

Every morning my friend was waiting for me in front of the church at the main square of the village. He walked in front of me and regularly reassured himself turning his head that I still followed him. This dog showed me the way up to the last permitted vantage point for hikers without an official mountain guide. During my six week stay in spring on the island I climbed the Stromboli 36 times together with “my” dog!

You might wonder, what does someone do in Stromboli if one is not climbing the volcano? My short answer, enjoy life, relax, eat very well and rest. In our hectic world, there are few places where one can do that in a remote but civilized environment like Stromboli!

Stromboli Island

Stromboli Island

Kennen Sie die Vulkaninsel Stromboli im Tyrrhenischen Meer? Wenn nicht, kann ich dieses Eiland für einen kürzeren oder längeren Aufenthalt empfehlen! Stromboli gehört mit seinen Nachbarinseln Lipari, Salina, Panarea, Vulcano, Filicudi und Alicudi zur Inselgruppe der Äolischen Inseln. Stromboli ist regelmässig mit dem Tragflügelboot von der Sizilianischen Hafenstadt Milazzo oder mit dem Fährschiff von Neapel aus zu erreichen. Berühmt wurde die Insel in den 1950er Jahren mit dem melodramatischen Film „Stromboli“ von Roberto Rossellini mit dem Hollywoodstar Ingrid Bergman welche für einige Zeit auf der Insel weilte. Ihre damalige Bleibe ist heute eine touristische Attraktion, das Haus ist verziert mit einer Gedenktafel und liegt am Ausgang des Dorfes unweit der Kirche.

Vulcano Stromboli

Vulcano Stromboli

Die Hauptattraktion der Insel ist aber ohne Zweifel der aktive Vulkan Stromboli, welcher zwei oder dreimal pro Stunde Rauch und Feuer speit! Besonders eindrücklich sind die Eruptionen während der Nacht! Tagestouristen besteigen den Vulkan und nähern sich dem Kratermund in sicherer Distanz um sich unvergessliche Fotos des ausbrechenden Vulkans zu schiessen. Natürlich sind solche Besteigungen nur mit autorisierten Bergführern erlaubt! Mein Führer war ein „pensionierter“ Hundeines ehemaligen Bergführers, den Namen des Vierbeiners habe ich leider vergessen. Mein vierbeiniger Freund erwartete mich jeden Morgen vor der Kirche im Dorfzentrum. Er trottete vor mir her und versicherte sich regelmässig mit einem Blick zurück, dass ich ihm auch folgte. Dieser Hund zeigte mir den Weg hinauf bis zum letzten noch erlaubten Aussichtspunkt für Wanderer ohne einen offiziellen Bergführer. Während meines sechs wöchigen Insel Aufenthalts im Frühjahr habe ich den Stromboli zusammen mit „meinem“ lieben Freund 36 mal bestiegen!

Sie fragen sich vielleicht, was macht jemand in Stromboli, wenn man nicht den Vulkan erklimmt? Meine kurze Antwort, genießen Sie das Leben, entspannen Sie sich, essen Sie sehr gut und ruhen Sie sich aus. In unserer hektischen Welt gibt es nur wenige Orte, wo man das in einer abgelegenen, aber zivilisierten Umgebung wie Stromboli machen kann!

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Monument,Nature,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,,,,,,,,, | 7 Comments

Three Great RV-Trips

RVing (RV stands for Recreational Vehicle) is an extremely popular way to get out and experience the world for retirees across the globe. From the occasional trip to full time living, RVs provide a simple, comfortable and affordable way to travel year-round. Here are 3 great RV trips to take in retirement. These can be done as standalone trips, or easily incorporated into your full-time travels.

For more information about RV rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Pacific Northwest, United States of America

这是一个很好的夏季旅行为退休人员。While it is a common perception that this area has perpetual rain, there are great areas here to visit that buck that understanding. Located on the northern coast of the Olympic Peninsula, towns like Port Angeles, Sequim and Port Townsend are located in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains. Sequim, which is located in the center of that rain shadow, receives only 14 inches of rain per year. The vast majority of that rain falls between October and April. The weather in peak season between June and September is absolutely delightful. It is sunny with low humidity and temps in the 70’s to low 80’s (21 – 26 centigrade). This is one reason Sequim has been ranked as one of the best small towns in the pacific northwest to live. It is also a very popular destination for west coast residents to move to for retirement.

The towns here are quaint seaside towns, particularly Sequim and Port Townsend. The surrounding area is absolutely beautiful, with the Olympic National Park just to the southwest. Port Townsend has a great walkable downtown area with nice restaurants and a first-rate farmer market every weekend. The nearby Fort Worden State Park is a former military installation where many of the buildings have been converted to art facilities. This is a great place to learn art from traditional painting to advanced woodworking.

The area is also a gateway to Seattle, the San Juan Islands and Victoria, BC, which is a short ferry ride from Port Angeles. This area makes a great standalone trip. A visit here can be months long without running out of things to do.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

MediterranenCoast, Spain and other European Countries

The Mediterranean Coast if Spain is a great location for an overseas retiree RV trip. Spain is often listed as one of the best places for US residents to retire on a budget. It has excellent culture, is generally friendly to foreigners, and sports a relatively low cost of living. The EU also has very streamlined travel regulations between nations, so it makes a great base camp to venture out and explore other EU member states and Switzerland.

RVing in Europe is typically done in smaller campervans than those you may be used to in the US. These RVs are designed to navigate the smaller roads in Europe and provide only the basic services you really need to live. A place to cook, a place to sleep and maybe a bathroom, although those are less common. The lack of RV amenities are made up for by the lifestyle in the area. The RV is truly just a place to sleep, the surrounding cities, towns and beaches will provide all amenities, activities and entertainment you could possibly ask for.

巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚、阿利坎特和马拉加都是excellent destinations. Each could be a standalone destination, or a coastal trip covering all of them is certainly possible. Peak season is in the spring and summer, but the weather is mild year-round so off-season trips can still be great while avoiding the crowds.

To plan a trip like this consider using a private owner RV rental service. These services will connect you to a great rental RV that can be picked up on location in Spain.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Desert Southwest, United States of America

The southern US is a great retirement RV destination. The weather is fantastic year-round so you can plan your trip at any time. While the southern US as a whole is a great retirement RV destination, the desert southwest stands out for a number of reasons. First, it has great weather. Not only is it generally warm, but also generally very dry. The lack of humidity does three things. First, it makes the warmer temps feel more pleasant. Second, when the sun goes down the temps tend to cool faster, making sleeping more pleasant. Finally, drier air is easier to breath and can be beneficial for a number of health conditions common in the retired community.

The desert southwest is also less crowded then places like Florida during the snowbird season and the cost of living is generally lower. There are other places in the south that are also less crowded then Florida, like Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. These are all great areas in their own right, but the desert southwest gets the edge for its better weather and greater prevalence of free or cheap camping opportunities.

From Palm Springs, CA east to New Mexico there is a great mix of cities and towns with a broad range of cultural and entertainment facilities. These areas are surrounded by camping facilities ranging from vast free boondocking areas to massive high-end resorts. The diversity here will allow any retiree to live exactly as they desire.

RVing during retirement is a great way to get out and see the world. Here we have looked at three great RV trips for retirees. These trips demonstrate the options retirees have for RVing regardless of location or time of year. A great trip is taking a great destination and get the most out of it for yourself and any of these locations will allow you to do that.

For more information about RV-Rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Categories:Adventure,Blogroll,Camper,Spain,Switzerland,Travel,Trekking,United States of America | Tags: | 9 Comments

A new way to Santiago de Compostela, the Via Postumia in Northern Italy

The Via Postumia was a road in Northern Italy that was built by the Romans around 150 BC; it led from Aquileia, through the Po valley over the Apennines to the city of Genoa. Today, this historic route largely forms the centerpiece of the new Italian pilgrimage route, the Via Postumia, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The Via Postumia is 930 km long and leads from Aquileia to Genoa and crosses the entire north of Italy from east to west, i.e. through the Regions Friuli-Giulia Venezia, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Liguria.

What didn’t exist until now, was an arrow-marked pilgrim route that crosses Italy from east to west and continues from Genoa to Menton in France along the Ligurian coast. The idea to develop such a route emerged at the World Meeting of the Associations of Friends of the St. James Way in Krakow in September 2013, on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the body of St. James. Shortly after his return from this World Meeting in Poland, Andrea Vitiello began this task and decided to trace and re-enact the paths of medieval pilgrims from the East through Italy using advice and opinions from historians, other experts and friends.

安德里亚的巨大的任务是创造一个路线that fit into the map and the network of all the St. James Ways in Europe. Another objective of his project is to promote and support the local businesses along the newly created Via Postumia pilgrimage route.

The result of this great initiative is commendable. The Way of St. James through Italy was formally restored. I am convinced that pilgrims who choose this route through Italy on their way to Santiago de Compostela will be delighted in every way! The Via Postumia crosses the wonderful landscapes of northern Italy on quiet and signposted paths, past nine UNESCO heritage sites and through some of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I am already looking forward to this historic, culinary and spiritual pilgrimage through Italy.

Further and detailed information such as maps, directions, hotels and hostels, etc. can be found under the following link:

Via Postumia

The Via Postumia in Northern Italy

Die Via Postumia war eine um das Jahr 150 v. Chr. gebaute Römerstrasse in Italien, die von Aquileia, durch die Poebene über die Apenninen bis nach Genua führte. Dieser historische Weg bildet heute weitestgehend das Kernstück des Italienischen Pilgerwegs, die Via Postumia, nach Santiago de Compostela in Galizien, Spanien.

Dieser Weg, die Via Postumia, ist eine etwa 930 km lange Route die von Aquileia nach Genua führt und den gesamten Norden Italiens von Osten nach Westen durchquert, also Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Lombardei, Emilia Romagna, Piemont und Ligurien.

是es bis现在不多嘴,战争一张麻省理工学院Pfeilen markierte Pilger Route die Italien von Osten nach Westen durchquert und von Genua weiter nach Menton in Frankreich entlang der ligurischen Küste führt. Die Idee einen solchen Weg zu entwickeln entstand am Welttreffen der Jakobsvereine im September 2013 in Krakau, anlässlich des 1200-jährigen Jubiläums der Wiederentdeckung des Leichnams des Heiligen Jacobus. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr von diesem Weltmeeting in Polen begann Andrea Vitiello mit dieser Aufgabe und beschloss anhand von Ratschlägen und Meinungen von Historikern, anderen Experten und Freunden die Wege mittelalterlicher Pilger aus dem Osten durch Italien zurückzuverfolgen und nachzubilden.

Die gigantische Aufgabe von Andrea bestand darin, eine Route zu erstellen, die in die Karte und das Netzwerk aller Jakobswege von Europa passte. Ein weiteres Ziel seines Projekts ist die Förderung und Unterstützung der lokalen Unternehmen entlang der neu geschaffenen Pilgerroute Via Postumia.

Das Ergebnis dieser großartigen Initiative ist lobenswert. Der Jakobsweg durch Italien wurde formal wieder hergestellt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Pilger, die diese Route durch Italien auf ihrem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela wählen, in jeder Hinsicht begeistert sein werden! Die Via Postumia durchquert die wundervollen Landschaften Norditaliens auf ruhigen und beschilderten Wegen, vorbei an neun UNESCO-Kulturstätten und durch einige der schönsten Städte Italiens. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf diesen historischen, kulinarischen und spirituellen Pilgerweg durch Italien.

Weitere und detaillierte Informationen wie Karten, Wegbeschreibungen, Hotels und Herbergen, etc. findest Du unter folgendem Link:

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Jakobsweg,Landmark,Nature,Pilgrimage,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,, | 6 Comments

Roland and donkey Rosinante on the Camino to Santiago de Compostela

Roland, a modern Don Quijote and Pilgrim from Hungary and his donkey Rosinante are an inseparable couple (aka Rolandante) living and walking on the Camino. Last year, on my way to Santiago de Compostela, there was this donkey in the middle of nowhere, tied up next to the Camino trail, it was Rosinante! I assume that the pilgrim Roland was still sleeping in his blue tent under an old eucalyptus tree which was only a few footsteps away.

However, Rosinante was awake and already active, she had her own pilgrim stamp or (sello). If you want to receive your Compostela, the religious document that certifies your pilgrimage, you need to show to the Pilgrims Office in Santiago de Compostela a Credencial full of sellos! The Credencial is a sort of Pilgrimage Passport in which you collect stamps as you walk the Camino. Such stamps can be obtained in churches, hostels and hotels, restaurants, bars and also from the donkey Rosinante This is a nice keepsake, but it’s also a necessary document to carry. The very first thing you will have to do upon checking in to any hostel is present your actual Identification Card and your Credencial to verify that you are walking the Camino. It is not only required for your accommodation, the document is also required as a proof in Restaurants to get the inexpensive three course pilgrimage menu with a bottle of wine Buen Camino!

Roland, ein moderner Don Quijote und Pilger aus Ungarn und sein Esel Rosinante sind ein untrennbares Paar (auch bekannt als Rolandante) auf ihrer langjährigen Pilgerreise. Letztes Jahr, auf meinem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela, stand da ein Esel mitten im Nirgendwo neben dem Camino Trail, es war Rosinante! Den Pilger Roland habe ich nicht angetroffen, wahrscheinlich war er noch in seinem blauen Zelt unter einem alten Eukalyptusbaum nur einige Schritte von Rosinante entfernt am schlafen.

Rosinante war aber schon wach und bereits aktiv, sie hatte vor sich auf einem kleinen Tischlein ihren eigenen Pilgerstempel oder (sello). Wenn Du den Compostela erhalten möchtest, das ist das religiöse Zertifikat welches deine Pilgerreise bestätigt, musst Du dem Pilgeramt in Santiago de Compostela ein Dokument voller „sellos“ zeigen! Das Dokument ist eine Art Pilgerpass, in dem Du auf deinem Camino die Stempel sammelst. Solche Stempel sind in Kirchen, Pilgerherbergen und Hotels, Restaurants, Bars und auch beim Esel Rosinante erhältlich Die vielen Stempel sind ein schönes Andenken, aber auch ein notwendiges Dokument. Das allererste was Du beim Einchecken in eine Herberge tun musst, ist deinen Personalausweis und den Pilgerpass vorlegen um zu beweisen, dass Du auch tatsächlich den Camino gehst. Dieses Dokument ist nicht nur auf der Suche nach einer Unterkunft erforderlich, der Pilgerpass wird auch als Nachweis in Restaurants benötigt um das preisgünstige dreigängige Pilgermenü mit einer Flasche Wein zu erhalten Buen Camino!

Categories:Blogroll,Jakobsweg,Spain,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,, | Leave a comment

Discover the Via Postumia in Northern Italy

The Via Postumia was a road in Northern Italy that was built by the Romans around 150 BC; it led from Aquileia, through the Po valley over the Apennines to the city of Genoa. Today, this historic route largely forms the centerpiece of the new Italian pilgrimage route, the Via Postumia, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The Via Postumia is 930 km long and leads from Aquileia to Genoa and crosses the entire north of Italy from east to west, i.e. through the Regions Friuli-Giulia Venezia, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Liguria.

What didn’t exist until now, was an arrow-marked pilgrim route that crosses Italy from east to west and continues from Genoa to Menton in France along the Ligurian coast. The idea to develop such a route emerged at the World Meeting of the Associations of Friends of the St. James Way in Krakow in September 2013, on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the body of St. James. Shortly after his return from this World Meeting in Poland, Andrea Vitiello began this task and decided to trace and re-enact the paths of medieval pilgrims from the East through Italy using advice and opinions from historians, other experts and friends.

安德里亚的巨大的任务是创造一个路线that fit into the map and the network of all the St. James Ways in Europe. Another objective of his project is to promote and support the local businesses along the newly created Via Postumia pilgrimage route.

The result of this great initiative is commendable. The Way of St. James through Italy was formally restored. I am convinced that pilgrims who choose this route through Italy on their way to Santiago de Compostela will be delighted in every way! The Via Postumia crosses the wonderful landscapes of northern Italy on quiet and signposted paths, past nine UNESCO heritage sites and through some of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I am already looking forward to this historic, culinary and spiritual pilgrimage through Italy.

Further and detailed information such as maps, directions, hotels and hostels, etc. can be found under the following link:

Via Postumia

The Via Postumia in Northern Italy

Die Via Postumia war eine um das Jahr 150 v. Chr. gebaute Römerstrasse in Italien, die von Aquileia, durch die Poebene über die Apenninen bis nach Genua führte. Dieser historische Weg bildet heute weitestgehend das Kernstück des Italienischen Pilgerwegs, die Via Postumia, nach Santiago de Compostela in Galizien, Spanien.

Dieser Weg, die Via Postumia, ist eine etwa 930 km lange Route die von Aquileia nach Genua führt und den gesamten Norden Italiens von Osten nach Westen durchquert, also Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Lombardei, Emilia Romagna, Piemont und Ligurien.

是es bis现在不多嘴,战争一张麻省理工学院Pfeilen markierte Pilger Route die Italien von Osten nach Westen durchquert und von Genua weiter nach Menton in Frankreich entlang der ligurischen Küste führt. Die Idee einen solchen Weg zu entwickeln entstand am Welttreffen der Jakobsvereine im September 2013 in Krakau, anlässlich des 1200-jährigen Jubiläums der Wiederentdeckung des Leichnams des Heiligen Jacobus. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr von diesem Weltmeeting in Polen begann Andrea Vitiello mit dieser Aufgabe und beschloss anhand von Ratschlägen und Meinungen von Historikern, anderen Experten und Freunden die Wege mittelalterlicher Pilger aus dem Osten durch Italien zurückzuverfolgen und nachzubilden.

Die gigantische Aufgabe von Andrea bestand darin, eine Route zu erstellen, die in die Karte und das Netzwerk aller Jakobswege von Europa passte. Ein weiteres Ziel seines Projekts ist die Förderung und Unterstützung der lokalen Unternehmen entlang der neu geschaffenen Pilgerroute Via Postumia.

Das Ergebnis dieser großartigen Initiative ist lobenswert. Der Jakobsweg durch Italien wurde formal wieder hergestellt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Pilger, die diese Route durch Italien auf ihrem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela wählen, in jeder Hinsicht begeistert sein werden! Die Via Postumia durchquert die wundervollen Landschaften Norditaliens auf ruhigen und beschilderten Wegen, vorbei an neun UNESCO-Kulturstätten und durch einige der schönsten Städte Italiens. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf diesen historischen, kulinarischen und spirituellen Pilgerweg durch Italien.

Weitere und detaillierte Informationen wie Karten, Wegbeschreibungen, Hotels und Herbergen, etc. findest Du unter folgendem Link:

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Jakobsweg,Landmark,Nature,Pilgrimage,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,, | Leave a comment

Stromboli an Aeolian Island

Do you know the volcanic island of Stromboli in the Tyrrhenian Sea? If not, I can recommend this island for a shorter or longer stay! Stromboli belongs with its neighboring islands Lipari, Salina, Panarea, Vulcano, Filicudi and Alicudi to the archipelago of the Aeolian Islands. Stromboli is regularly reached by hydrofoil from the Sicilian port of Milazzo or by ferry from Naples. The island became famous in the 1950s with the melodramatic film “Stromboli” by Roberto Rossellini with Hollywood star Ingrid Bergman, who stayed on the island for some time. Their former residence is today a tourist attraction, the house is decorated with a plaque and is located at the exit of the village near the church.

The main attraction of the island is undoubtedly the active volcano Stromboli, which erupts two or three times an hour! Particularly impressive are the eruptions at night! Day tourists climb the volcano and approach the mouth of the crater at a safe distance to shoot unforgettable photos of the exploding volcano. Of course, such ascents are only allowed with authorized mountain guides! My guide was a “retired” dog of a former mountain guide, unfortunately I forgot the name of my four-legged friend.

Every morning my friend was waiting for me in front of the church at the main square of the village. He walked in front of me and regularly reassured himself turning his head that I still followed him. This dog showed me the way up to the last permitted vantage point for hikers without an official mountain guide. During my six week stay in spring on the island I climbed the Stromboli 36 times together with “my” dog!

You might wonder, what does someone do in Stromboli if one is not climbing the volcano? My short answer, enjoy life, relax, eat very well and rest. In our hectic world, there are few places where one can do that in a remote but civilized environment like Stromboli!

Stromboli Island

Stromboli Island

Kennen Sie die Vulkaninsel Stromboli im Tyrrhenischen Meer? Wenn nicht, kann ich dieses Eiland für einen kürzeren oder längeren Aufenthalt empfehlen! Stromboli gehört mit seinen Nachbarinseln Lipari, Salina, Panarea, Vulcano, Filicudi und Alicudi zur Inselgruppe der Äolischen Inseln. Stromboli ist regelmässig mit dem Tragflügelboot von der Sizilianischen Hafenstadt Milazzo oder mit dem Fährschiff von Neapel aus zu erreichen. Berühmt wurde die Insel in den 1950er Jahren mit dem melodramatischen Film „Stromboli“ von Roberto Rossellini mit dem Hollywoodstar Ingrid Bergman welche für einige Zeit auf der Insel weilte. Ihre damalige Bleibe ist heute eine touristische Attraktion, das Haus ist verziert mit einer Gedenktafel und liegt am Ausgang des Dorfes unweit der Kirche.

Vulcano Stromboli

Vulcano Stromboli

Die Hauptattraktion der Insel ist aber ohne Zweifel der aktive Vulkan Stromboli, welcher zwei oder dreimal pro Stunde Rauch und Feuer speit! Besonders eindrücklich sind die Eruptionen während der Nacht! Tagestouristen besteigen den Vulkan und nähern sich dem Kratermund in sicherer Distanz um sich unvergessliche Fotos des ausbrechenden Vulkans zu schiessen. Natürlich sind solche Besteigungen nur mit autorisierten Bergführern erlaubt! Mein Führer war ein „pensionierter“ Hundeines ehemaligen Bergführers, den Namen des Vierbeiners habe ich leider vergessen. Mein vierbeiniger Freund erwartete mich jeden Morgen vor der Kirche im Dorfzentrum. Er trottete vor mir her und versicherte sich regelmässig mit einem Blick zurück, dass ich ihm auch folgte. Dieser Hund zeigte mir den Weg hinauf bis zum letzten noch erlaubten Aussichtspunkt für Wanderer ohne einen offiziellen Bergführer. Während meines sechs wöchigen Insel Aufenthalts im Frühjahr habe ich den Stromboli zusammen mit „meinem“ lieben Freund 36 mal bestiegen!

Sie fragen sich vielleicht, was macht jemand in Stromboli, wenn man nicht den Vulkan erklimmt? Meine kurze Antwort, genießen Sie das Leben, entspannen Sie sich, essen Sie sehr gut und ruhen Sie sich aus. In unserer hektischen Welt gibt es nur wenige Orte, wo man das in einer abgelegenen, aber zivilisierten Umgebung wie Stromboli machen kann!

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Monument,Nature,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,,,,,,,,, | 3 Comments

Three Great RV-Trips to Take in Retirement

RVing (RV stands for Recreational Vehicle) is an extremely popular way to get out and experience the world for retirees across the globe. From the occasional trip to full time living, RVs provide a simple, comfortable and affordable way to travel year-round. Here are 3 great RV trips to take in retirement. These can be done as standalone trips, or easily incorporated into your full-time travels.

For more information about RV rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Pacific Northwest, United States of America

这是一个很好的夏季旅行为退休人员。While it is a common perception that this area has perpetual rain, there are great areas here to visit that buck that understanding. Located on the northern coast of the Olympic Peninsula, towns like Port Angeles, Sequim and Port Townsend are located in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains. Sequim, which is located in the center of that rain shadow, receives only 14 inches of rain per year. The vast majority of that rain falls between October and April. The weather in peak season between June and September is absolutely delightful. It is sunny with low humidity and temps in the 70’s to low 80’s (21 – 26 centigrade). This is one reason Sequim has been ranked as one of the best small towns in the pacific northwest to live. It is also a very popular destination for west coast residents to move to for retirement.

The towns here are quaint seaside towns, particularly Sequim and Port Townsend. The surrounding area is absolutely beautiful, with the Olympic National Park just to the southwest. Port Townsend has a great walkable downtown area with nice restaurants and a first-rate farmer market every weekend. The nearby Fort Worden State Park is a former military installation where many of the buildings have been converted to art facilities. This is a great place to learn art from traditional painting to advanced woodworking.

The area is also a gateway to Seattle, the San Juan Islands and Victoria, BC, which is a short ferry ride from Port Angeles. This area makes a great standalone trip. A visit here can be months long without running out of things to do.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

MediterranenCoast, Spain and other European Countries

The Mediterranean Coast if Spain is a great location for an overseas retiree RV trip. Spain is often listed as one of the best places for US residents to retire on a budget. It has excellent culture, is generally friendly to foreigners, and sports a relatively low cost of living. The EU also has very streamlined travel regulations between nations, so it makes a great base camp to venture out and explore other EU member states and Switzerland.

RVing in Europe is typically done in smaller campervans than those you may be used to in the US. These RVs are designed to navigate the smaller roads in Europe and provide only the basic services you really need to live. A place to cook, a place to sleep and maybe a bathroom, although those are less common. The lack of RV amenities are made up for by the lifestyle in the area. The RV is truly just a place to sleep, the surrounding cities, towns and beaches will provide all amenities, activities and entertainment you could possibly ask for.

巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚、阿利坎特和马拉加都是excellent destinations. Each could be a standalone destination, or a coastal trip covering all of them is certainly possible. Peak season is in the spring and summer, but the weather is mild year-round so off-season trips can still be great while avoiding the crowds.

To plan a trip like this consider using a private owner RV rental service. These services will connect you to a great rental RV that can be picked up on location in Spain.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Desert Southwest, United States of America

The southern US is a great retirement RV destination. The weather is fantastic year-round so you can plan your trip at any time. While the southern US as a whole is a great retirement RV destination, the desert southwest stands out for a number of reasons. First, it has great weather. Not only is it generally warm, but also generally very dry. The lack of humidity does three things. First, it makes the warmer temps feel more pleasant. Second, when the sun goes down the temps tend to cool faster, making sleeping more pleasant. Finally, drier air is easier to breath and can be beneficial for a number of health conditions common in the retired community.

The desert southwest is also less crowded then places like Florida during the snowbird season and the cost of living is generally lower. There are other places in the south that are also less crowded then Florida, like Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. These are all great areas in their own right, but the desert southwest gets the edge for its better weather and greater prevalence of free or cheap camping opportunities.

From Palm Springs, CA east to New Mexico there is a great mix of cities and towns with a broad range of cultural and entertainment facilities. These areas are surrounded by camping facilities ranging from vast free boondocking areas to massive high-end resorts. The diversity here will allow any retiree to live exactly as they desire.

RVing during retirement is a great way to get out and see the world. Here we have looked at three great RV trips for retirees. These trips demonstrate the options retirees have for RVing regardless of location or time of year. A great trip is taking a great destination and get the most out of it for yourself and any of these locations will allow you to do that.

For more information about RV-Rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Categories:Adventure,Blogroll,Camper,Spain,Switzerland,Travel,Trekking,United States of America | Tags: | 3 Comments

Monkeys on the Rock of Gibraltar

Did you know that there are wild monkeys on the European continent! You can find them on the Upper Rock in Gibraltar. Originally they are from the Atlas and Rif mountains of Morocco. It is unclear when these Barbary macaques colonized Gibraltar. However, they were already there when the Rock of Gibraltar was conquered by the British in 1704. Currently, it is reported that the population of these monkeys is about 300, and rising. As I climbed up to the rock, these apes behaved like street gangs, positioning themselves at strategic points along the trail, hoping to get cookies or other sweets out of the hikers’ backpacks. Although it is strictly forbidden to feed these animals, there are always tourists who do not adhere to this prohibition. Offenses are penalized with hefty fines and a bite from an aggressive alpha animal, which does not find the expected delicacy in the offered hand of a tourist, can hurt quite a bit.

Wussten Sie, dass es auf dem europäischen Kontinent wild lebende Affen gibt! Sie finden sie auf dem Upper Rock in Gibraltar. Ursprünglich stammen sie aus dem Atlas und Rif-Gebirge von Marokko. Es ist unklar, wann diese Berberaffen Gibraltar besiedelten. Sie waren jedoch bereits dort, als der Felsen von Gibraltar 1704 von den Briten erobert wurde. Derzeit wird berichtet, dass die Population dieser Beberaffen bei etwa 300 liegt, Tendenz steigend. Als ich zum Rock hinaufstieg, benahmen sich diese Gesellen wie Strassenbanden, sie positionierten sich an strategischen Punkten entlang des Wanderpfads, in der Hoffnung Kekse oder andere Süssigkeiten aus den Rucksäcken der Wanderer zu ergattern. Obwohl es strickt verboten ist diese Tierchen zu füttern hat es doch immer wieder Touristen die sich nicht an dieses Verbot halten. Zuwiderhandlungen werden mit saftigen Geldbussen bestraft und ein Biss eines aggressives Alpha-Tiers, welches die erwartete Köstlichkeit in der dargebotenen Hand des Touristen nicht findet, kann ganz schön schmerzen.

Categories:Blogroll,Gibraltar,Nature,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,, | 4 Comments

Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour in Nepal – Adventure Travel Nepal

在尼泊尔佛教朝圣之旅非常著名的Package tour because Nepal is a birth place of lord Buddh whose philosophy is the root of Budhhism in the world. Nepal is nest of various religions and cultural ethnic group. Whole of them Buddhist people are in second position in population of Nepal. Nepal has many […]

viaBuddhist Pilgrimage Tour in Nepal — Adventure Travel Nepal

Categories:Adventure,Blogroll,Nepal,Travel,Trekking | Tags: | 8 Comments

Roland and his donkey Rosinante on their pilgrimage

Roland, a modern Don Quijote and Pilgrim from Hungary and his donkey Rosinante are an inseparable couple (aka Rolandante) living and walking on the Camino. Last year, on my way to Santiago de Compostela, there was this donkey in the middle of nowhere, tied up next to the Camino trail, it was Rosinante! I assume that the pilgrim Roland was still sleeping in his blue tent under an old eucalyptus tree which was only a few footsteps away.

However, Rosinante was awake and already active, she had her own pilgrim stamp or (sello). If you want to receive your Compostela, the religious document that certifies your pilgrimage, you need to show to the Pilgrims Office in Santiago de Compostela a Credencial full of sellos! The Credencial is a sort of Pilgrimage Passport in which you collect stamps as you walk the Camino. Such stamps can be obtained in churches, hostels and hotels, restaurants, bars and also from the donkey Rosinante This is a nice keepsake, but it’s also a necessary document to carry. The very first thing you will have to do upon checking in to any hostel is present your actual Identification Card and your Credencial to verify that you are walking the Camino. It is not only required for your accommodation, the document is also required as a proof in Restaurants to get the inexpensive three course pilgrimage menu with a bottle of wine Buen Camino!

Roland, ein moderner Don Quijote und Pilger aus Ungarn und sein Esel Rosinante sind ein untrennbares Paar (auch bekannt als Rolandante) auf ihrer langjährigen Pilgerreise. Letztes Jahr, auf meinem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela, stand da ein Esel mitten im Nirgendwo neben dem Camino Trail, es war Rosinante! Den Pilger Roland habe ich nicht angetroffen, wahrscheinlich war er noch in seinem blauen Zelt unter einem alten Eukalyptusbaum nur einige Schritte von Rosinante entfernt am schlafen.

Rosinante war aber schon wach und bereits aktiv, sie hatte vor sich auf einem kleinen Tischlein ihren eigenen Pilgerstempel oder (sello). Wenn Du den Compostela erhalten möchtest, das ist das religiöse Zertifikat welches deine Pilgerreise bestätigt, musst Du dem Pilgeramt in Santiago de Compostela ein Dokument voller „sellos“ zeigen! Das Dokument ist eine Art Pilgerpass, in dem Du auf deinem Camino die Stempel sammelst. Solche Stempel sind in Kirchen, Pilgerherbergen und Hotels, Restaurants, Bars und auch beim Esel Rosinante erhältlich Die vielen Stempel sind ein schönes Andenken, aber auch ein notwendiges Dokument. Das allererste was Du beim Einchecken in eine Herberge tun musst, ist deinen Personalausweis und den Pilgerpass vorlegen um zu beweisen, dass Du auch tatsächlich den Camino gehst. Dieses Dokument ist nicht nur auf der Suche nach einer Unterkunft erforderlich, der Pilgerpass wird auch als Nachweis in Restaurants benötigt um das preisgünstige dreigängige Pilgermenü mit einer Flasche Wein zu erhalten Buen Camino!

Categories:Blogroll,Jakobsweg,Spain,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,, | 2 Comments

Discover the Via Postumia in Northern Italy

The Via Postumia was a road in Northern Italy that was built by the Romans around 150 BC; it led from Aquileia, through the Po valley over the Apennines to the city of Genoa. Today, this historic route largely forms the centerpiece of the new Italian pilgrimage route, the Via Postumia, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The Via Postumia is 930 km long and leads from Aquileia to Genoa and crosses the entire north of Italy from east to west, i.e. through the Regions Friuli-Giulia Venezia, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Liguria.

What didn’t exist until now, was an arrow-marked pilgrim route that crosses Italy from east to west and continues from Genoa to Menton in France along the Ligurian coast. The idea to develop such a route emerged at the World Meeting of the Associations of Friends of the St. James Way in Krakow in September 2013, on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the body of St. James. Shortly after his return from this World Meeting in Poland, Andrea Vitiello began this task and decided to trace and re-enact the paths of medieval pilgrims from the East through Italy using advice and opinions from historians, other experts and friends.

安德里亚的巨大的任务是创造一个路线that fit into the map and the network of all the St. James Ways in Europe. Another objective of his project is to promote and support the local businesses along the newly created Via Postumia pilgrimage route.

The result of this great initiative is commendable. The Way of St. James through Italy was formally restored. I am convinced that pilgrims who choose this route through Italy on their way to Santiago de Compostela will be delighted in every way! The Via Postumia crosses the wonderful landscapes of northern Italy on quiet and signposted paths, past nine UNESCO heritage sites and through some of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I am already looking forward to this historic, culinary and spiritual pilgrimage through Italy.

Further and detailed information such as maps, directions, hotels and hostels, etc. can be found under the following link:

Via Postumia

The Via Postumia in Northern Italy

Die Via Postumia war eine um das Jahr 150 v. Chr. gebaute Römerstrasse in Italien, die von Aquileia, durch die Poebene über die Apenninen bis nach Genua führte. Dieser historische Weg bildet heute weitestgehend das Kernstück des Italienischen Pilgerwegs, die Via Postumia, nach Santiago de Compostela in Galizien, Spanien.

Dieser Weg, die Via Postumia, ist eine etwa 930 km lange Route die von Aquileia nach Genua führt und den gesamten Norden Italiens von Osten nach Westen durchquert, also Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Lombardei, Emilia Romagna, Piemont und Ligurien.

是es bis现在不多嘴,战争一张麻省理工学院Pfeilen markierte Pilger Route die Italien von Osten nach Westen durchquert und von Genua weiter nach Menton in Frankreich entlang der ligurischen Küste führt. Die Idee einen solchen Weg zu entwickeln entstand am Welttreffen der Jakobsvereine im September 2013 in Krakau, anlässlich des 1200-jährigen Jubiläums der Wiederentdeckung des Leichnams des Heiligen Jacobus. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr von diesem Weltmeeting in Polen begann Andrea Vitiello mit dieser Aufgabe und beschloss anhand von Ratschlägen und Meinungen von Historikern, anderen Experten und Freunden die Wege mittelalterlicher Pilger aus dem Osten durch Italien zurückzuverfolgen und nachzubilden.

Die gigantische Aufgabe von Andrea bestand darin, eine Route zu erstellen, die in die Karte und das Netzwerk aller Jakobswege von Europa passte. Ein weiteres Ziel seines Projekts ist die Förderung und Unterstützung der lokalen Unternehmen entlang der neu geschaffenen Pilgerroute Via Postumia.

Das Ergebnis dieser großartigen Initiative ist lobenswert. Der Jakobsweg durch Italien wurde formal wieder hergestellt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Pilger, die diese Route durch Italien auf ihrem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela wählen, in jeder Hinsicht begeistert sein werden! Die Via Postumia durchquert die wundervollen Landschaften Norditaliens auf ruhigen und beschilderten Wegen, vorbei an neun UNESCO-Kulturstätten und durch einige der schönsten Städte Italiens. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf diesen historischen, kulinarischen und spirituellen Pilgerweg durch Italien.

Weitere und detaillierte Informationen wie Karten, Wegbeschreibungen, Hotels und Herbergen, etc. findest Du unter folgendem Link:

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Jakobsweg,Landmark,Nature,Pilgrimage,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,, | 1 Comment

Three Great RV-Trips to Take in Retirement

RVing (RV stands for Recreational Vehicle) is an extremely popular way to get out and experience the world for retirees across the globe. From the occasional trip to full time living, RVs provide a simple, comfortable and affordable way to travel year-round. Here are 3 great RV trips to take in retirement. These can be done as standalone trips, or easily incorporated into your full-time travels.

For more information about RV rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Pacific Northwest, United States of America

这是一个很好的夏季旅行为退休人员。While it is a common perception that this area has perpetual rain, there are great areas here to visit that buck that understanding. Located on the northern coast of the Olympic Peninsula, towns like Port Angeles, Sequim and Port Townsend are located in the rain shadow of the Olympic Mountains. Sequim, which is located in the center of that rain shadow, receives only 14 inches of rain per year. The vast majority of that rain falls between October and April. The weather in peak season between June and September is absolutely delightful. It is sunny with low humidity and temps in the 70’s to low 80’s (21 – 26 centigrade). This is one reason Sequim has been ranked as one of the best small towns in the pacific northwest to live. It is also a very popular destination for west coast residents to move to for retirement.

The towns here are quaint seaside towns, particularly Sequim and Port Townsend. The surrounding area is absolutely beautiful, with the Olympic National Park just to the southwest. Port Townsend has a great walkable downtown area with nice restaurants and a first-rate farmer market every weekend. The nearby Fort Worden State Park is a former military installation where many of the buildings have been converted to art facilities. This is a great place to learn art from traditional painting to advanced woodworking.

The area is also a gateway to Seattle, the San Juan Islands and Victoria, BC, which is a short ferry ride from Port Angeles. This area makes a great standalone trip. A visit here can be months long without running out of things to do.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

MediterranenCoast, Spain and other European Countries

The Mediterranean Coast if Spain is a great location for an overseas retiree RV trip. Spain is often listed as one of the best places for US residents to retire on a budget. It has excellent culture, is generally friendly to foreigners, and sports a relatively low cost of living. The EU also has very streamlined travel regulations between nations, so it makes a great base camp to venture out and explore other EU member states and Switzerland.

RVing in Europe is typically done in smaller campervans than those you may be used to in the US. These RVs are designed to navigate the smaller roads in Europe and provide only the basic services you really need to live. A place to cook, a place to sleep and maybe a bathroom, although those are less common. The lack of RV amenities are made up for by the lifestyle in the area. The RV is truly just a place to sleep, the surrounding cities, towns and beaches will provide all amenities, activities and entertainment you could possibly ask for.

巴塞罗那、瓦伦西亚、阿利坎特和马拉加都是excellent destinations. Each could be a standalone destination, or a coastal trip covering all of them is certainly possible. Peak season is in the spring and summer, but the weather is mild year-round so off-season trips can still be great while avoiding the crowds.

To plan a trip like this consider using a private owner RV rental service. These services will connect you to a great rental RV that can be picked up on location in Spain.

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Great RV Trips to Take in Retirement

Desert Southwest, United States of America

The southern US is a great retirement RV destination. The weather is fantastic year-round so you can plan your trip at any time. While the southern US as a whole is a great retirement RV destination, the desert southwest stands out for a number of reasons. First, it has great weather. Not only is it generally warm, but also generally very dry. The lack of humidity does three things. First, it makes the warmer temps feel more pleasant. Second, when the sun goes down the temps tend to cool faster, making sleeping more pleasant. Finally, drier air is easier to breath and can be beneficial for a number of health conditions common in the retired community.

The desert southwest is also less crowded then places like Florida during the snowbird season and the cost of living is generally lower. There are other places in the south that are also less crowded then Florida, like Alabama, Louisiana and Texas. These are all great areas in their own right, but the desert southwest gets the edge for its better weather and greater prevalence of free or cheap camping opportunities.

From Palm Springs, CA east to New Mexico there is a great mix of cities and towns with a broad range of cultural and entertainment facilities. These areas are surrounded by camping facilities ranging from vast free boondocking areas to massive high-end resorts. The diversity here will allow any retiree to live exactly as they desire.

RVing during retirement is a great way to get out and see the world. Here we have looked at three great RV trips for retirees. These trips demonstrate the options retirees have for RVing regardless of location or time of year. A great trip is taking a great destination and get the most out of it for yourself and any of these locations will allow you to do that.

For more information about RV-Rentals, visit the companyOutdoorsyHERE

Categories:Adventure,Blogroll,Camper,Spain,Switzerland,Travel,Trekking,United States of America | Tags: | 2 Comments

Château-d’Œx in the Swiss Alps

The village of Château-d’Œx (950 m) is situated above the valley of the Saane in the Vaud Alps, east of the town of Vevey in Switzerland. In summer as well as in winter, this community in the Pays-d’Enhaut has a lot to offer to its visitors and tourists. The beautiful Alpine landscape around Château-d’Œx invites them to go on extended hikes between the spring and autumn seasons. But also the winter tourists get what they need; a cabin cable car from Château-d’Œx and various ski lifts are in operation on the northern slopes of the Rocher du Midi and the Monts Chevreuils, as well as La Lécherette.

Since 1979, the venue has hosted the International Balloon Festival and Château-d’Œx has become a world-famous Mecca for balloonists. In the center of the village, not far from the starry spot of Bertrand Piccard for his adventurous non-stop balloon ride around the world, is the Balloon Museum (Espace Balloon) in the former town hall, a renovated historic building of the municipality. Speaking of traveling around the world, do you remember the adventure movie (Around the World in 80 days) with the British actor and Oscar price winner David Niven? He lived and died in 1983 in Château-d’Œx where he also found his final resting place in the cemetery of the village church, a quiet place, just a few steps above the balloon museum.


Château-d’Œx – Balloon Museum (Espace Balloon) and Church

Das Dorf Château-d’Œx (950 m) liegt über dem Tal der Saane in den Waadtländer Alpen östlich der Stadt Vevey in der Schweiz. Im Sommer wie auch im Winter hat diese Gemeinde im Pays-d’Enhaut für Ihre Besucher und Touristen einiges zu bieten. Die wunderschöne Alpenlandschaft rund um Château-d’Œx lädt vom Frühling bis Herbst zu ausgedehnten Wanderungen ein. Aber auch die Wintertouristen kommen auf ihre Rechnung; an den Nordhängen des Rocher du Midi und der Monts Chevreuils sowie bei La Lécherette sind eine Kabinen-Seilbahn ab Château-d’Œx und verschiedene Skilifte in Betrieb.

Church in Château-d'Œx

Church in Château-d’Œx

Seit 1979 richtet der Ort das Internationale Ballonfestival aus und Château-d’Œx hat sich zu einem weltweit bekannten Mekka der Ballonfahrer entwickelt. In der Dorfmitte, unweit des Starplatzes von Bertrand Piccard zu seiner abenteuerlichen Nonstop-Ballonfahrt rund um die Erde befindet sich das Ballonmuseum (Espace Ballon) im ehemaligen Rathaus, einem renovierten historischem Gebäude der Gemeinde. Apropos Reisen rund um die Welt, erinnern Sie sich an den Abenteuerfilm (In 80 Tagen um die Welt) mit dem britischen Schauspieler und Oscar-Preisträger David Niven? Er lebte und verstarb 1983 in Château-d’Œx wo er auch seine letzte Ruhestätte auf dem Friedhof der Dorfkirche fand, ein stiller Ort, nur ein paar wenige Schritte oberhalb des Ballonmuseums.

Categories:Blogroll,Museum,Nature,Sport,Switzerland,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,,,,, | 6 Comments

Via Postumia in Northern Italy

The Via Postumia was a road in Northern Italy that was built by the Romans around 150 BC; it led from Aquileia, through the Po valley over the Apennines to the city of Genoa. Today, this historic route largely forms the centerpiece of the new Italian pilgrimage route, the Via Postumia, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The Via Postumia is 930 km long and leads from Aquileia to Genoa and crosses the entire north of Italy from east to west, i.e. through the Regions Friuli-Giulia Venezia, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Liguria.

What didn’t exist until now, was an arrow-marked pilgrim route that crosses Italy from east to west and continues from Genoa to Menton in France along the Ligurian coast. The idea to develop such a route emerged at the World Meeting of the Associations of Friends of the St. James Way in Krakow in September 2013, on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the body of St. James. Shortly after his return from this World Meeting in Poland, Andrea Vitiello began this task and decided to trace and re-enact the paths of medieval pilgrims from the East through Italy using advice and opinions from historians, other experts and friends.

安德里亚的巨大的任务是创造一个路线that fit into the map and the network of all the St. James Ways in Europe. Another objective of his project is to promote and support the local businesses along the newly created Via Postumia pilgrimage route.

The result of this great initiative is commendable. The Way of St. James through Italy was formally restored. I am convinced that pilgrims who choose this route through Italy on their way to Santiago de Compostela will be delighted in every way! The Via Postumia crosses the wonderful landscapes of northern Italy on quiet and signposted paths, past nine UNESCO heritage sites and through some of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I am already looking forward to this historic, culinary and spiritual pilgrimage through Italy.

Further and detailed information such as maps, directions, hotels and hostels, etc. can be found under the following link:

Via Postumia

The Via Postumia in Northern Italy

Die Via Postumia war eine um das Jahr 150 v. Chr. gebaute Römerstrasse in Italien, die von Aquileia, durch die Poebene über die Apenninen bis nach Genua führte. Dieser historische Weg bildet heute weitestgehend das Kernstück des Italienischen Pilgerwegs, die Via Postumia, nach Santiago de Compostela in Galizien, Spanien.

Dieser Weg, die Via Postumia, ist eine etwa 930 km lange Route die von Aquileia nach Genua führt und den gesamten Norden Italiens von Osten nach Westen durchquert, also Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Lombardei, Emilia Romagna, Piemont und Ligurien.

是es bis现在不多嘴,战争一张麻省理工学院Pfeilen markierte Pilger Route die Italien von Osten nach Westen durchquert und von Genua weiter nach Menton in Frankreich entlang der ligurischen Küste führt. Die Idee einen solchen Weg zu entwickeln entstand am Welttreffen der Jakobsvereine im September 2013 in Krakau, anlässlich des 1200-jährigen Jubiläums der Wiederentdeckung des Leichnams des Heiligen Jacobus. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr von diesem Weltmeeting in Polen begann Andrea Vitiello mit dieser Aufgabe und beschloss anhand von Ratschlägen und Meinungen von Historikern, anderen Experten und Freunden die Wege mittelalterlicher Pilger aus dem Osten durch Italien zurückzuverfolgen und nachzubilden.

Die gigantische Aufgabe von Andrea bestand darin, eine Route zu erstellen, die in die Karte und das Netzwerk aller Jakobswege von Europa passte. Ein weiteres Ziel seines Projekts ist die Förderung und Unterstützung der lokalen Unternehmen entlang der neu geschaffenen Pilgerroute Via Postumia.

Das Ergebnis dieser großartigen Initiative ist lobenswert. Der Jakobsweg durch Italien wurde formal wieder hergestellt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Pilger, die diese Route durch Italien auf ihrem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela wählen, in jeder Hinsicht begeistert sein werden! Die Via Postumia durchquert die wundervollen Landschaften Norditaliens auf ruhigen und beschilderten Wegen, vorbei an neun UNESCO-Kulturstätten und durch einige der schönsten Städte Italiens. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf diesen historischen, kulinarischen und spirituellen Pilgerweg durch Italien.

Weitere und detaillierte Informationen wie Karten, Wegbeschreibungen, Hotels und Herbergen, etc. findest Du unter folgendem Link:

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Jakobsweg,Landmark,Nature,Pilgrimage,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,, | 2 Comments

Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia

The Salar de Uyuni in the Andes in southwest Bolivia is the largest salt surface on earth (about 11’000 square kilometers). This place, at an altitude of about 3,700 meters, attracts tourists from all over the world. Most visitors are tourists from Japan and other Asian countries. There are daily flights from La Paz to Uyuni, a small town on the edge of this salt desert. Of course buses also run between Uyuni and for example La Paz, Potosi or Chile.

Several hotels were built in the area almost completely (walls, roofs, beds, tables) with salt blocks from the Salar. I stayed at the Hotel de Sal Luna Salada near Colchani. The price performance ratio of this hotel and spa is very good and the view over the salt desert is absolutely unique!


Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

-帕拉西奥市德萨尔是第一个酒店和佤邦等s built in the middle of the salt desert, but had to be closed several years after its opening due to health and environmental problems. Today, most tours stop there for a lunch break and for shots of the former Palacio de Sal and its surroundings; the many national flags in front of the building are a popular photo motive. Actually, day trips to the salt desert in 4 × 4 jeeps are common and the cheapest way to visit the salt pans. The tours start in Uyuni around 10 am and end around 5 pm. I booked two day tours, one organized by my hotel and the other from a tour operator in Uyuni. The tours usually start with a visit to the Train Cemetery, followed by a short stop at Colchani, where a small salt factory is shown to tourists. From there you continue to the salt desert and there is enough time to photograph this fantastic and overwhelming salt surface and, during the rainy season, to admire the reflections of clouds and sky in the water. I am convinced that you will enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the Salar de Uyuni to the fullest. It will remain an unforgettable experience!

However, for how long? Our tour guide, who earns as Guide extra Money for her studies in La Paza, was very worried about the future of the Salar de Uyuni. She led us to small holes in the otherwise mirror-smooth surface of the salt desert. This anomaly is attributed to the recent intensification of the extraction of lithium carbonate from the water under the salt crust. This rare and sought-after resource is used for the production of high-performance batteries and promises huge profits for the poor country Bolivia, given the looming shift to electric vehicles. The beauty of the Salar might however be at risk considering that about 60% of the world reserves of Lithium are in Bolivia, namely in the Salar de Uyuni.

Der的阿塔卡玛高原窝,然后im Sudwesten Boliviens ist die größte Salzfläche der Erde (ca. 11’000 Quadratkilometer). Dieser Ort auf einer Höhe von etwa 3.700 Metern zieht Touristen aus der ganzen Welt an. Die meisten Besucher sind Touristen aus Japan und anderen asiatischen Ländern. Es gibt tägliche Flüge von La Paz nach Uyuni, einer kleinen Stadt am Rande dieser Salzwüste. Natürlich fahren auch Busse zwischen Uyuni und zum Beispiel La Paz, Potosi oder Chile.

Mehrere Hotels wurden in der Gegend fast vollständig (Wände, Dächer, Betten, Tische) mit Salzblöcken aus dem Salar gebaut. Ich war im Hotel de Sal Luna Salada in der Nähe von Colchani. Das Preis-Leistungsverhältnis dieses Hotels ist sehr gut und der Blick über die Salzwüst absolut einzigartig!

Salar de Uyuni

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia – Reflections

Der Palacio de Sal war das erste derartige Hotel und wurde in der Mitte der Salzwüste errichtet, musste jedoch einige Jahre nach seiner Eröffnung wegen Gesundheits- und Umweltproblemen geschlossen werden. Heute halten die meisten Touren dort für eine Mittagspause und für Photoaufnahmen des ehemaligen Palacio de Sal und seiner Umgebung; die vielen Nationalflaggen vor dem Gebäude sind ein beliebtes Fotomotiv. Eigentlich sind Tagesausflüge in die Salzwüste in 4 × 4 Jeeps üblich und die billigste Art, die Salinen zu besuchen. Die Touren beginnen in Uyuni gegen 10 Uhr und enden gegen 17 Uhr. Ich buchte zwei Tagestouren, eine organisiert von meinem Hotel und die andere von einem Reiseveranstalter in Uyuni. Die Touren beginnen normalerweise mit einem Besuch des Zugfriedhofs, gefolgt von einem kurzen Halt in Colchani, wo eine kleine Salzfabrik den Touristen gezeigt wird. Von dort geht es dann weiter in die Salzwüste und es bleibt genügend Zeit, um diese fantastische und überwältigende Salzoberfläche zu fotografieren und während der Regenzeit die Spiegelungen von Wolken und Himmel im Wasser zu bewundern. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Sie die Schönheit und Ruhe des Salar de Uyuni in vollen Zügen genießen werden. Es wird ein unvergessliches Erlebnis bleiben!

Für wie lange aber? Eine junge Reiseleiterin, die sich hier mit ihren Führungen durch die Salzwüste ein Zusatzbrot für ihr Studium in La Paz verdient, zeigte sich sehr besorgt über die Zukunft der Salar de Uyuni. Sie führte uns zu kleinen Einbrüchen in der ansonsten spiegelglatten Oberfläche der Salzwüste. Diese Anomalie wird zurückgeführt auf die kürzlich begonnene Intensivierung der Extraktion von Lithiumkarbonat aus dem sich unter der Salzkruste befindlichen Wassers. Dieser seltene und begehrte Rohstoff wird für die Herstellung von leistungsstarken Batterien verwendet und verspricht in Anbetracht der sich abzeichnenden Verlagerung auf Elektrofahrzeuge riesige Gewinne für das arme Land Bolivien. Die Schönheit des Salar könnte jedoch in Gefahr sein, wenn man bedenkt, dass etwa 60% der Weltreserven von Lithium in Bolivien liegen, nämlich in der Salar de Uyuni.

Categories:Blogroll,Bolivia,Nature,Travel,Trekking,Weltreisen | Tags:,,,, | 3 Comments

The Via Postumia in Northern Italy

The Via Postumia was a road in Northern Italy that was built by the Romans around 150 BC; it led from Aquileia, through the Po valley over the Apennines to the city of Genoa. Today, this historic route largely forms the centerpiece of the new Italian pilgrimage route, the Via Postumia, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The Via Postumia is 930 km long and leads from Aquileia to Genoa and crosses the entire north of Italy from east to west, i.e. through the Regions Friuli-Giulia Venezia, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Liguria.

What didn’t exist until now, was an arrow-marked pilgrim route that crosses Italy from east to west and continues from Genoa to Menton in France along the Ligurian coast. The idea to develop such a route emerged at the World Meeting of the Associations of Friends of the St. James Way in Krakow in September 2013, on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the body of St. James. Shortly after his return from this World Meeting in Poland, Andrea Vitiello began this task and decided to trace and re-enact the paths of medieval pilgrims from the East through Italy using advice and opinions from historians, other experts and friends.

安德里亚的巨大的任务是创造一个路线that fit into the map and the network of all the St. James Ways in Europe. Another objective of his project is to promote and support the local businesses along the newly created Via Postumia pilgrimage route.

The result of this great initiative is commendable. The Way of St. James through Italy was formally restored. I am convinced that pilgrims who choose this route through Italy on their way to Santiago de Compostela will be delighted in every way! The Via Postumia crosses the wonderful landscapes of northern Italy on quiet and signposted paths, past nine UNESCO heritage sites and through some of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I am already looking forward to this historic, culinary and spiritual pilgrimage through Italy.

Further and detailed information such as maps, directions, hotels and hostels, etc. can be found under the following link:

Via Postumia

The Via Postumia in Northern Italy

Die Via Postumia war eine um das Jahr 150 v. Chr. gebaute Römerstrasse in Italien, die von Aquileia, durch die Poebene über die Apenninen bis nach Genua führte. Dieser historische Weg bildet heute weitestgehend das Kernstück des Italienischen Pilgerwegs, die Via Postumia, nach Santiago de Compostela in Galizien, Spanien.

Dieser Weg, die Via Postumia, ist eine etwa 930 km lange Route die von Aquileia nach Genua führt und den gesamten Norden Italiens von Osten nach Westen durchquert, also Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Lombardei, Emilia Romagna, Piemont und Ligurien.

是es bis现在不多嘴,战争一张麻省理工学院Pfeilen markierte Pilger Route die Italien von Osten nach Westen durchquert und von Genua weiter nach Menton in Frankreich entlang der ligurischen Küste führt. Die Idee einen solchen Weg zu entwickeln entstand am Welttreffen der Jakobsvereine im September 2013 in Krakau, anlässlich des 1200-jährigen Jubiläums der Wiederentdeckung des Leichnams des Heiligen Jacobus. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr von diesem Weltmeeting in Polen begann Andrea Vitiello mit dieser Aufgabe und beschloss anhand von Ratschlägen und Meinungen von Historikern, anderen Experten und Freunden die Wege mittelalterlicher Pilger aus dem Osten durch Italien zurückzuverfolgen und nachzubilden.

Die gigantische Aufgabe von Andrea bestand darin, eine Route zu erstellen, die in die Karte und das Netzwerk aller Jakobswege von Europa passte. Ein weiteres Ziel seines Projekts ist die Förderung und Unterstützung der lokalen Unternehmen entlang der neu geschaffenen Pilgerroute Via Postumia.

Das Ergebnis dieser großartigen Initiative ist lobenswert. Der Jakobsweg durch Italien wurde formal wieder hergestellt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Pilger, die diese Route durch Italien auf ihrem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela wählen, in jeder Hinsicht begeistert sein werden! Die Via Postumia durchquert die wundervollen Landschaften Norditaliens auf ruhigen und beschilderten Wegen, vorbei an neun UNESCO-Kulturstätten und durch einige der schönsten Städte Italiens. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf diesen historischen, kulinarischen und spirituellen Pilgerweg durch Italien.

Weitere und detaillierte Informationen wie Karten, Wegbeschreibungen, Hotels und Herbergen, etc. findest Du unter folgendem Link:

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Jakobsweg,Landmark,Nature,Pilgrimage,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,, | 1 Comment

Via Postumia, a pilgrimage route through Northern Italy to Santiago de Compostela

The Via Postumia was a road in Northern Italy that was built by the Romans around 150 BC; it led from Aquileia, through the Po valley over the Apennines to the city of Genoa. Today, this historic route largely forms the centerpiece of the new Italian pilgrimage route, the Via Postumia, to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.

The Via Postumia is 930 km long and leads from Aquileia to Genoa and crosses the entire north of Italy from east to west, i.e. through the Regions Friuli-Giulia Venezia, Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Piedmont and Liguria.

What didn’t exist until now, was an arrow-marked pilgrim route that crosses Italy from east to west and continues from Genoa to Menton in France along the Ligurian coast. The idea to develop such a route emerged at the World Meeting of the Associations of Friends of the St. James Way in Krakow in September 2013, on the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of the rediscovery of the body of St. James. Shortly after his return from this World Meeting in Poland, Andrea Vitiello began this task and decided to trace and re-enact the paths of medieval pilgrims from the East through Italy using advice and opinions from historians, other experts and friends.

安德里亚的巨大的任务是创造一个路线that fit into the map and the network of all the St. James Ways in Europe. Another objective of his project is to promote and support the local businesses along the newly created Via Postumia pilgrimage route.

The result of this great initiative is commendable. The Way of St. James through Italy was formally restored. I am convinced that pilgrims who choose this route through Italy on their way to Santiago de Compostela will be delighted in every way! The Via Postumia crosses the wonderful landscapes of northern Italy on quiet and signposted paths, past nine UNESCO heritage sites and through some of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I am already looking forward to this historic, culinary and spiritual pilgrimage through Italy.

Further and detailed information such as maps, directions, hotels and hostels, etc. can be found under the following link:

Via Postumia

Via Postumia

Die Via Postumia war eine um das Jahr 150 v. Chr. gebaute Römerstrasse in Italien, die von Aquileia, durch die Poebene über die Apenninen bis nach Genua führte. Dieser historische Weg bildet heute weitestgehend das Kernstück des Italienischen Pilgerwegs, die Via Postumia, nach Santiago de Compostela in Galizien, Spanien.

Dieser Weg, die Via Postumia, ist eine etwa 930 km lange Route die von Aquileia nach Genua führt und den gesamten Norden Italiens von Osten nach Westen durchquert, also Friaul-Julisch Venetien, Lombardei, Emilia Romagna, Piemont und Ligurien.

是es bis现在不多嘴,战争一张麻省理工学院Pfeilen markierte Pilger Route die Italien von Osten nach Westen durchquert und von Genua weiter nach Menton in Frankreich entlang der ligurischen Küste führt. Die Idee einen solchen Weg zu entwickeln entstand am Welttreffen der Jakobsvereine im September 2013 in Krakau, anlässlich des 1200-jährigen Jubiläums der Wiederentdeckung des Leichnams des Heiligen Jacobus. Kurz nach seiner Rückkehr von diesem Weltmeeting in Polen begann Andrea Vitiello mit dieser Aufgabe und beschloss anhand von Ratschlägen und Meinungen von Historikern, anderen Experten und Freunden die Wege mittelalterlicher Pilger aus dem Osten durch Italien zurückzuverfolgen und nachzubilden.

Die gigantische Aufgabe von Andrea bestand darin, eine Route zu erstellen, die in die Karte und das Netzwerk aller Jakobswege von Europa passte. Ein weiteres Ziel seines Projekts ist die Förderung und Unterstützung der lokalen Unternehmen entlang der neu geschaffenen Pilgerroute Via Postumia.

Das Ergebnis dieser großartigen Initiative ist lobenswert. Der Jakobsweg durch Italien wurde formal wieder hergestellt. Ich bin überzeugt, dass Pilger, die diese Route durch Italien auf ihrem Weg nach Santiago de Compostela wählen, in jeder Hinsicht begeistert sein werden! Die Via Postumia durchquert die wundervollen Landschaften Norditaliens auf ruhigen und beschilderten Wegen, vorbei an neun UNESCO-Kulturstätten und durch einige der schönsten Städte Italiens. Ich freue mich schon jetzt auf diesen historischen, kulinarischen und spirituellen Pilgerweg durch Italien.

Weitere und detaillierte Informationen wie Karten, Wegbeschreibungen, Hotels und Herbergen, etc. findest Du unter folgendem Link:

Categories:Blogroll,Italy,Jakobsweg,Landmark,Nature,Pilgrimage,Travel,Trekking | Tags:,,,, | 9 Comments

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